Exciting news! The new launching ramp with floating jetty is now ready for use within RPYC. With the Australia II mast project now complete the grounds at RPYC look fantastic. What’s next?
Stage 1
The major hard standing project of stage one is on schedule for completion mid to late February. This will comprise of new work sheds, offices and reception areas. Bay Marine will be the first shed on the left as you enter the premises through the front gates. Bay Marine will also be setting up an onsite chandlery for those who need supplies to work on their own vessels.
Stage 2
The trailer boat parking area and driveway will be completed. This will increase the amount of car parking bays and accommodation for trailer boats.
Stage 3
This will comprise of re concreting the hard standing area with new drainage systems. The hard standing area (currently 30+ bays) will be reduced to 25 bays. The reduction in size will not affect the capacity of boats that can be kept on hardstanding. Instead the area will be used for short to medium term vessels. There will still be plenty of space available for your vessel.